Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Israeli Army killing Innocent Infants and Babies

Israeli occupation has killed many civilians in pass few day one of victim is a innocent infant. 

Layla is a victim of Israeli occupation and crimes against human rights, she was 8 months old

Layla, 8 months old. Killed by Israeli Army by shooting and too firing tear gas for suffocation. New media in west try blame victims that why they use their human right to protest against occupation and protest US Embassy move to Al-quds Jerusalem. 

Protested for illegal US embassy move to Al-quds Jerusalem. Israeli tyrant army killed many civilians just for protesting for illegal US Embassy move. Israeli occupation has massacred many civilian unarmed protesters. 

Jerusalem belong to Palestine, but Israeli army occupy the religious mosque and churches and block everyone from going into mosque. Trump decided to make Jerusalem Israeli capital for AIPAC support and donations from Zionist lobby. Protest started because of illegal move of United stated into Jerusalem occupied land of Palestine. 

Real story is that more than hindered civilians are killed by occupation army of Israel and western media try to twist a story. Palestine is occupied land where civilians are killed for protesting for freedom and human rights.     

Israeli occupiers have launched bombardments of Gaza where they have killed civilians and continue to kill civilians till today, Israeli regime have put a blockade of food and medical supplies to Gaza. Israeli’s have killed nearly 2200 Palestinians on 2014 where they mostly targeted civilians.   

Gaza is under siege since 2007, where blockade put in place to cut them off from any other country, turning Gaza and Palestine into ghettos.  

Occupied Gaza will be liberated
Soon Gaza freedom will be dated
Occupier massacre civilians regular
Days coming where justice awaited 



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